Invest in Fear

140415 CoverThe purpose of this book is to explain how to invest in something that you can’t touch or feel. It is also a thing that most people do not understand or even fear because they think it is too complex. Some people equate it with fear itself. This investment is volatility.

The best foil to fear is understanding, and the information contained here will explain volatility in simple terms. My aim is to convince you that volatility should be part of your diversified investment portfolio alongside shares and bonds at least some of the time. If after reading this book you feel you still don’t understand volatility, unlikely as that may be, then don’t invest in it. I recommend spending a little time to get to grips with the ideas presented here, because this will open up a whole new asset class that has only become available to the broader market quite recently.


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Ralph Atkins

Ralph Atkins

Capital Markets Editor at the Financial Times

Investors who did not understand the true nature of financial market volatility lost out during the crisis years.

Ramin Nakisa has written a remarkably clear history of volatility, offering insights to the general reader as well as the investment specialist.



Francine Lacqua

Francine Lacqua

London-based anchor and editor-at-large for Bloomberg Television

Since the financial crisis struck in 2008, understanding volatility is key to operating in the financial markets. And yet very few people know what it actually is. Some understand the principle of volatility, but are not confident enough to invest in volatility instruments.

Ramin Nakisa’s book clearly navigates the reader from the history of volatility to volatility investment strategies and is essential reading for anyone interested in this asset class.